Saturday, February 16, 2013

glass half full / glass half empty oil painting

glass half full / glass half empty

I think the title is self explanatory.
So I was sitting in a dark room looking at a half full glass, thinking OK what is there to look at, can I make it interesting. What is next a potato? Hmm, good idea, I have seen some fascinating onions.
Glass half full / glass half empty oil painting
So here it is a view from the top. Look at the pretty pinks and blues.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Start of a new mermaid painting

She is a little green, a looking a bit like Les Miserables poster.
Yikes, I do not know what I am going to do yet.
But that is why to use an under painting to work all of these issues out, like having your work look like a very iconic and super popular poster. This is where i wonder what was on my mind to begin with because I have never, ever seen the movie. Psst, its not the movie, its the poster.
not Les Miserables

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Green Mermaid oil painting

This is the other mermaid from the limited palette that created the blue mermaid painting.

Green Mermaid oil painting 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The automaton or Maschinenmensch

The automaton or Maschinenmensch

I love Science Fiction so this was a joy to paint.

The automaton or Maschinenmensch , oil painting on panel, 5x7

Metropolis is a 1927 , directed by Fritz Lang,
Maria is played by Brigitte Helm
for more info on film go to: